Highlights from the 2018 NZARES Conference in Rotorua
"Protecting & maximising the value of natural resources"
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The New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference was held in Wellington on the 30th and 31st
of August 2018, with 85 attendees. Key sponsor of the conference was the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
In conjunction with the conference, a symposium was held on ‘Land use practice change and adoption’ on the
29th of August. The symposium attracted a good range of speakers and 46 attendees from research institutes,
industry, regional and central government.
Rick Llewellyn from CSIRO opened the conference with a discussion on the adoption of farm practice.
Panel discussions were held on agricultural climate policy, freshwater policy, trade, and Māori land development.
Suzi Kerr from Motu spoke in her capacity as the President of AARES on climate change, highlighting that the world
and NZ needs to transition to net zero carbon, and the transition needs to be steady and smart. Steve Carden,
CEO of Pamu (NZ’ largest arming operation) wrapped up the conference talking though Pamu’s business transformation
and noted that it was an exciting time to be a food producer, if we are prepared to change.
Graeme Doole began his term as president of NZARES, Tony Schischka took on the role of president-elect, while Yvonne
Matthews, Femi Olubode and Rachael Davidson joined the committee.
Professor Frank Scrimgeour became the fourth life member of NZARES in recognition of his service to the
profession and the society.